Monday, April 11, 2016

Mama's Meal Planning: 101

Whether you're looking to get a handle on your nutrition, your time spent in the kitchen, or your budget, Meal Planning is an activity that can help with all of it!  Going into the week already knowing what is for dinner each night and what groceries are needed will absolutely add efficiency to a busy family's life.  If you are a SUPER planner, some people even like to do the dinner meal planning for the whole MONTH ahead, although thats not something I've found myself able to stick to.  Each week I'll see a recipe or hear about a meal that sounds too #delish to put off for a whole month. I want it in my belly asap I would be scratching out a monthly plan far too often. 
My favorite kind of meal planning sessions is when I have a little buddy nearby.  #startthemyoung

When I first started meal planning, it was for nutrition.  I was working to lose weight and having very prescribed days was pivotal to my success. Then it just became habit. I loved that I knew exactly what I needed every time I walked into the grocery store, and I didn't get stressed in the afternoons thinking about what I'd be putting on the table because all I had to do was look at my calendar and pull stuff out of the fridge.

When I was in "losing weight mode" and followed 21 day fix like a religion, these were my go to tips for staying on track week after week.  Now that I'm in "maintenance mode"I still find these tips to be really beneficial because the more prescribed the day to day is, the more flexibility I have for the occasional ice cream with my kids and wine with my girlfriends.  When I know that my day-to-day eating has been on track, I don't have to worry about the occasional splurge or treat.

1. Tip nĂºmero uno: Have a plan to Plan ahead!  Don't wait until Sunday night to meal plan if you can help it.  Once the plan is set, theres still shopping to be done and let's be honest, we want to be relaxing on Sundays! It might seem early, but I try to start thinking about my meals for the next week on Thursdays.  That gives me time to not get it complete until Friday and still have Saturday or Sunday to get the shopping and prep in.  Allowing that flexibility makes it more realistic to me and less of a hard deadline.  Trying to do planning, shopping, AND prep on a Sunday, when you really just want to relax with your family, is a recipe for something not getting done…and of those options, I'm gonna bet on the planning getting the drop.

2. Start simple. When in doubt, allow a day or two of your week to be protein, veggies, and maybe a starch if needed.  When I’m not sure of what to make, I know that a salmon filet, tons of veggies and maybe some roasted potatoes or quinoa will satisfy!

3. Create a Schedule. In my planning, I keep the following mindset: Mondays – Fish, Taco Tuesday, Wednesday Sandwiches, Thursday Casserole, Slow-cooker Friday, Grill/Roast Saturday, Cooks choice Sunday.  It doesn’t always end up working out exactly like that, but it gives me a starting point that seems more manageable than "Food." 
4. Once you've got your daily schedule, organize Pinterest Boards that correspond with each day's theme. I have separate boards for each day of the week so when I’m looking for Monday ideas, I’m only looking at fish dishes on my Monday board. Streamline.

5. Stumped on meal ideas? Ask a friend. What seems played out in their house might be a bright new idea in yours, and vice versa. 

Need a template to get started?  Here's a super basic place to start!
Want to check out my meal boards on Pinterest?  Follow me at

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